Motorex Fuel Stabilizer 125 ml

800,00 RSD

Aditiv zaštite goriva od oksidacije, pomaže stabilizaciji goriva tokom zimske sezone mirovanja motora, vezuje vodu i štiti celokupan sistem od korozije i rđe

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Fuel protection from oxidation, helps stabilize fuel during the winter engine idle, binds water and protects the entire system of corrosion and rust. Suitable for petrol and diesel motorcycles, the effect lasts up to 6 months as well as aggregates with and without a turbocharger.


Mixture scale 1 L: 250 l; for motorcycles 125 ml on 30L tanks; 250 ml for passenger vehicles and 60 l fuel.


• Improves the first start after sleep
• Protects the assembly system
• binds water
• Protects against corrosion
• Protects fuel from aging